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Retirement Webinars

retiring teacher seminar Yorkshire

Our retirement webinars are designed to help teachers to understand the options available to them as they approach retirement and beyond. 


During the uncertainties of the Covid 19 pandemic and until we are able to resume our seminars in person, we will be bringing you the information you need in a series of free webinars.  


We are holding regular webinars for teachers who are planning to retire or just for those who wish to find out more about how their pension scheme works. We will give you the most up to date information on your pension and help you to understand how prepared you are for your retirement - and what you might need to put in place before you begin the next phase of your life.

What our webinars cover:

Can I afford to retire?

How can I plan for my retirement?

How does my Pension work?

Will my income be affected, and by how much?

Where can I go to get help and support?


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